
Semantic Web Zone

Ten Pitfalls of Enterprise Ontology Management

here are many common problems that occur when corporations expand beyond their initial ontologies and start to build multiple ontologies that must remain consistent. Here is a list of the

Gleaning Information From Embedded Metadata

ne of the fundamental visions of the semantic web is the ability to provide improved technologies for machine-processable data. The current web is a swell place for people, but absent

Employ Metadata to Enhance Search Filters

asily customizable and configurable software is becoming increasingly important, and a flexible interface for searching is one way in which software is becoming more configurable. The key to achieving flexibility

Taking Data Validation to a Dynamic Level

lthough XML Schema was intended to be used to provide a better validation and definition layer for XML than Document Type Definitions (DTDs), certain underlying concepts were translated unintentionally. One

Create Domain-Specific Languages with ANTLR

he concept of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) has been around for years, but has recently experienced an uptick in popularity. This is due in large part to the success of Ruby

Creating and Managing RDF Vocabularies

o you like to relax in the morning over a cup of coffee and the “zoopepe”? Do you like to put “kapatz” on your “hogatz”? These are obviously meaningless terms

Simplifying RDFa Notation

Resource Description Framework (RDF) is not the world’s most beloved standard. That it is used most often in fairly obscure applications for handling such fundamental concepts as meaning, topicality, and