

From MSXML3.0 to .NET XML Classes: A Quick Guide

Introduction As you have probably heard thousands oftimes, XML is a core technology in .NET. XML is a cornerstone of web services and ADO.NET recordsets (now calleddatasets) are internally stored

Server-Side Caching in COM+ and VB

Is server-side caching good or bad? This question can create many heated discussions. Since I’m from Sweden, I like what we call the golden middle course. We even invented a

.NET and the Revenge of VB

Few programmers have ever consideredVisual Basic as a real object-oriented programming language, for example becauseof its lack of constructors and inheritance. VB6 code can’t access some Win32 and COM’s features

A Trace Tool, Part 1

In my latest article here at VB-2-The-Max (“COM+ Centric Assert“) I promised to deliver a three-part article about tracing. Here I am. Santa Claus is fulfilling your wish list for

VB IDE and ObjectContext

A myth that is still being spread in various VB and MTS/COM+ related newsgroups, is that an application can not obtain a reference to the MTS or COM+ ObjectContext in