
Apache Mulls End of 1.3, 2.0 Releases

Apache Mulls End of 1.3, 2.0 Releases

While nothing definite has been announced, the Apache Software Foundation is definitely hinting that the end may be near for its 1.3 series, and perhaps the 2.0 series as well. Instead, the organization would focus development efforts on its more recent 2.2 series.

Observers tell TechWorld that the move would not cause significant problems for most users. Peter Lieverdink, director of IT at Creative Contingencies and co-author of Pro Linux System Administration, said, “Having the Apache developers focused on a single branch for security and improvements is probably a good thing.” He added that 2.2 has been around for a long time now.

Apache serves more than half of the known sites on the Web, making it the Internet’s most popular Web server.

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