
2012: The Year of the Corporate App Store

2012: The Year of the Corporate App Store

As more business users turn to their smartphones and tablets to get their work done, a growing number of enterprises are turning to corporate app stores as a way to distribute necessary apps to those workers. Traditionally, corporate IT departments have relied on corporate disk images to get applications to desktop users, but that model doesn’t work for mobile devices, particularly for organizations with a BYOD policy. As a result, corporate app stores are growing in popularity. In fact, a new Symantec survey of 6,275 organizations found that 66 percent were considering opening a corporate app store.

According to Chris Schroeder, CEO of App47, which sells corporate app store technology, “The enterprise was not focused at all around mobile apps or enterprise app stores” in 2011, but “in 2012, we’re seeing the complete opposite.”

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