
Best Practices for Enterprise Architecture and Application Architecture: Gartner

Best Practices for Enterprise Architecture and Application Architecture: Gartner

A new webinar from Gartner offers advice for enterprise architecture (EA) and application architecture. On the EA side, Gartner’s Betsy Burton offered ten best practices:

  1. Look at EA in the overall context of your business.
  2. Develop (and execute) a communications plan.
  3. Be pragmatic.
  4. Treat each iteration as a project.
  5. Start with business strategy and business sponsorship.
  6. Do the future state before the current state.
  7. Don’t forget governance.
  8. Set up a measurement program.
  9. Track program maturity and perceptions.
  10. Pay attention to “people skills.”

On the application architecture side, Gartner’s Andy Kyte also recommends keeping the big picture in mind. “We need to be thinking about the lifecycle, we need to be thinking about the blend of services, the operational services, the maintenance and support services, the enhancement and extension services, the business intelligence services, the whole blend of services that will be needed throughout the life of the application ecosystem,” he said. “Then we can say … what are the characteristics that we want to build into the artifacts to ensure that we get there.”

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