
BaaS Is on the Rise

BaaS Is on the Rise

Appcelerator’s inclusion of Cloud Services in the latest version of Titanium is just one more example of the growing importance of backend as a service (BaaS) offerings. BaaS vendors provide mobile developers with cloud-based services like location data or push notifications that they can easily integrate into their apps. The first company to offer such a service was StackMob, but there are now more than a dozen vendors with BaaS offerings, including Parse, Kinvey and now Appcelerator, which uses technology developed by Cocoafish.

“The old stack is dying. The new client stack has Objective-C (iOS), Java (Android), HTML5, Ruby and Node.js. On the business side, there is a shortage of mobile development skills because developers are learning how to build apps on the new mobile stack,” explained Kinvey CEO Sravish Sridhar. “When they’re doing this, they don’t want to also build or learn new backend systems. These technology and business drivers have made Backend as a Service platforms like Kinvey popular.”View article

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