
Microsoft Launches Azure Data Lake Store

Microsoft Launches Azure Data Lake Store

Ahead of its AzureCon event, Microsoft has announced several improvements to Azure’s big data capabilities. Most notably, the company launched Azure Data Lake Store, an expansion of Azure Data Lake. “The Data Lake Store provides a single repository where you can easily capture data of any size, type and speed without forcing changes to your application as data scales,” T. K. Rengarajan, corporate vice president of Microsoft Data Platform, said. “In the store, data can be securely shared for collaboration and is accessible for processing and analytics from HDFS [Hadoop Distributed File System] applications and tools.”

In addition, Microsoft launched a new YARN-based analytics service called Azure Data Lake Analytics. This new service introduces a new language called U-SQL, which combines “the ease of use of SQL with the expressive power of C#.” Microsoft also announced that Azure will now support HDInsight on Linux.

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