
Mistakes Recruiters Make When Going After Top Devs

Mistakes Recruiters Make When Going After Top Devs

Semil Shah from Javelin Venture Partners recently compiled some input from developers who have been contacted by recruiters. Here’s what developers say recruiters are doing wrong in the current war for top development talent:

  • Dave Gullo, Core Engineer @ Krux Digital: “I would say the #1 mistake professional recruiters make are the hard sell and aggressive tactics. This includes calling your current workplace, trying to pierce through the company to get an engineer directly on the line.”
  • Choong Ng, Software Consultant: The biggest misstep they can make is to not understand the company they represent, that’s pretty much 100% fatal in my eyes.”
  • David Varvel, Senior Software Engineer @ Pivotal Labs : “The #1 mistake professional recruiters make is not tailoring their message to a particular candidate. Engineers have very different skills, backgrounds and priorities, and it’s often clear that many recruiters are sending the same InMail to everybody.”
  • Dirk de Kok, CEO @ Mobtest: “The #1 mistake recruiters make is that they don’t name the company and/or product they’re recruiting for.”

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