Report: Java Is Making Android More Popular with Developers

A new report from Evans Data finds rising popularity for Android within the mobile development industry. Google’s mobile OS is now the most commonly targeted platform for tablet apps with 84 percent of tablet developers surveyed saying they are building apps for Android. By comparison, 62 percent of tablet developers were working on iPad apps, and 52 percent were working on Windows apps.

One of the reasons why Android is becoming popular could be that it takes less time to build Android apps. In the survey, 41 percent of developers said they could finish an Android app in a month, compared to 36 percent and 34 percent who said the same about iOS and Windows Phone, respectively.

Evans Data speculates that familiarity with Java speeds Android development and is making the platform more popular. “We see a lot of enterprise developers showing greater interest in Android in recent years, and I think a lot of experience they have in developing apps with Java translates easily to Android development,” said Evans analyst Michael Rasalan.

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