
Survey: 50% of Large Enterprises Use AWS

Survey: 50% of Large Enterprises Use AWS

RightScale has released the results of a new survey that asked enterprises about their use of public cloud computing services. Exactly half of surveyed enterprises with more than 1,000 employees said they use Amazon Web Services (AWS), putting it in first place. That represents a one percent increase from the 2014 survey.

Microsoft’s Azure platform came in a distant second, but showed strong gains from the previous year. Nineteen percent of users said they use Azure’s IaaS, up from 11 percent last year, and 15 percent use Azures PaaS, up from 12 percent. Rackspace came in third, followed by Google App Engine, Google IaaS, VMware vCloud Air, IBM SoftLayer and HP Helion.

VMware vCloud was the biggest loser in the survey, dropping from 18 percent in 2014 to just 7 percent this year, while HP Helion dropped from 4 percent to 2 percent.

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