devxlogo Launches IT Education Portal Launches IT Education Portal — the online IT news and information network and a sister site of – has unveiled a new education portal,

The idea is this: From a single location, IT pros can gain access to a wealth of information on IT training and education that will help them advance their careers.

Features on the site include:


  • A variety of IT education and training articles, arranged into “Editor’s Picks,” “Most Popular,” and “Most Discussed.” Recent titles include: Programming Languages: Career Essential or Outdated Skill?, What’s Holding Up Your Job Advancement?, and The Makings of an IT Manager.
  • Information on hot vendor and product certifications.
  • Opportunities to connect with technical training programs and schools.
  • Cutting-edge IT degree program resources, and more.

“Many professionals have relied on for a long time for their industry information, so it absolutely makes sense to be able to give them information about schools and professional certifications that can help them advance their careers,” said Daniel Gehant, general manager of

”Whether you’re already working in the technology industry or you’re starting your IT education from scratch, you need some resource to help you to figure out what training is available, and what school or training program could be the right fit for you. That’s what is for,” Gehant said.

DevX readers will also want to bookmark a section of the site called

When it comes to technical certifications, Gehant notes, “It can be a little confusing if you’re just starting out and you see all the certification acronyms like MCSE, MCSA, CCNA — a lot of them are pretty similar. We’ve designed the portal to help clear up confusion, and to help the users find ways to get to the bottom of which certifications will provide them the most bang for their buck.”

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