The getCustomValue()
method on the enum returns the custom value associated. You can use this mechanism when you want to override the default ordinal with a custom ordinal.
Code snippet
public class CustomEnumOrdinal{ public static void main(String args[]) { CustomEnumOrdinal customEnumOrdinal = new CustomEnumOrdinal(); customEnumOrdinal.proceed(); } enum Days { SUNDAY(1), MONDAY(2), TUESDAY(3), WEDNESDAY(4), THURSDAY(5), FRIDAY(6), SATURDAY(7); int customValue; Days(int customValueArg) { customValue = customValueArg; } int getCustomValue() { return customValue; } } private void proceed() { Days ordinalDay = Days.FRIDAY; //Change this value to one of the values in the enum Days to get the respective custome ordinal value System.out.println("Custom ordinal of " + ordinalDay + " is " + ordinalDay.getCustomValue()); }}/*Expected output: Custom ordinal of FRIDAY is 6*/