
FedEx Launches 12th Small Business Grants Program

FedEx Launches 12th Small Business Grants Program

Business Grants Launch

FedEx Corporation recently launched the 12th edition of its annual Small Business Grants Program. Commencing on March 1, 2024, and spanning through April 1, 2024, the initiative is a testament to FedEx’s commitment to the advancement of United States’ small businesses.

The program provides a golden opportunity for US-based companies to win substantial funding. They can submit applications within the month-long window. The goal? To accelerate the growth and impact of small businesses on their communities and the larger economy.

A panel will review each submission based on strategy, impact, and growth potential. The winning businesses will enjoy a suite of resources, including financial aid, networking opportunities, and mentorship, among others. Interestingly, the program isn’t new; it dates back to 2012.

For 2024, FedEx has a top reward of $50,000 for one business, with nine others each receiving a $20,000 grant. Other perks include priority customer service and an invitation to a Small Business Strategic Insights Forum. The selection process is insightful; judges evaluate the innovation, growth strategy, and community impact of each business.

There’s also a side initiative: distributing $300 My FedEx Rewards coupons to an additional 100 businesses. Eligible businesses must be profitable, in operation for at least six months, and have a workforce of one to 99 employees. This initiative underscores FedEx’s drive to bolster the backbone of the U.S. economy: small businesses.

The application process is rigorous, involving detailed business profiling and documentation, including a financial statement and company registration proof. Applicants must illustrate a proposed grant usage that will foster growth. Social responsibility and environmental sustainability evidence are also encouraged.

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Since its inception, the Small Business Grants Program has seen vast participation, with over 77,000 businesses and a distribution of over $2 million in cash and rewards just last year. The program continues to strengthen the backbone of the American economy. For small businesses seeking an edge, FedEx’s Small Business Grants Program provides not just financial aid, but vital resources to thrive in a competitive landscape.


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