
Minnesota consultants indicted for pandemic aid fraud

Minnesota consultants indicted for pandemic aid fraud

"Fraudulent Consultants"

U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger recently announced the indictment of two 27-year-old Minnesota business consultants for allegedly defrauding pandemic aid programs of over $1 million.

According to the indictment, the duo exploited the economic hardships of small businesses during the pandemic for personal gain. They allegedly submitted fraudulent loan applications that overstated their need for and qualifications for relief.

Luger condemned these violations of public trust and echoed the commitment of investigators and prosecutors to ensure justice is served.

The accused reportedly falsified invoices, grant requests, and loan requests under their small-business consulting firm. They are said to have invoiced for services they didn’t provide and submitted fraudulent applications to several aid programs.

Both have pleaded not guilty in court. As the trial continues over the upcoming weeks, this scandal will reverberate throughout the business community.

The secondary defendant faces additional allegations of threatening clients and unlawful possession of a firearm.

Minnesota consultants’ alleged pandemic aid scam

This came to light during a house raid in April 2023 when authorities found the illegal firearm and an undisclosed amount of cash.

The consulting firm’s alleged exploitation has led to its temporary suspension. This misconduct reportedly undermines the integrity of relief efforts to aid small businesses during the pandemic.

The defendants are charged with mail and wire fraud, stealing from the government, and conducting financial transactions with illicitly obtained money. The investigation involves multiple agencies led by IRS Criminal Investigations and is keenly supervised by relevant state and federal jurisdictions.

Investigators work tirelessly to present a substantial case against the defendants and shed light on the scope of their crimes. Ultimately, the defendants’ fate falls in the judiciary’s hands to evaluate and abide by the allegations and evidence presented.

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