New Senate Bill Set to Phase Out Social Security State Taxes

West Virginia Progress

In an exciting development, the House and Senate passed a bill on March 10, 2024, with a primary goal to gradually phase out state taxes on Social Security benefits over the next three years. Initiated by Governor Jim Justice, this new direction is a testament to bipartisan support and a dedication towards easing tax pressures on retirees.

Endorsed by AARP West Virginia and its state director, Gaylene Miller, this legislation aims to eliminate social security taxes entirely in three years. A triumphant achievement for the seniors who rely heavily on these benefits, offering a promising outlook for West Virginia’s elderly population.

Analysts foresee the financial implications of this bill to exceed $37 million. The proposed tax cut strategy includes a 35% reduction from Jan 1, 2024, a 65% slash in 2025, and a complete elimination by the end of 2026. This methodical approach is vital to ensure a smooth transition and manage the significant financial impact.

This recent bill is an extension of an existing law, championed by Governor Justice, which emphasizes tax exemption on personal income from Social Security. This move profoundly benefits those in lower tax brackets, and includes extensions for pensions and retirement benefits. Therefore, it holds immense potential for a better quality of life for seniors, while also attracting more retirees to reside in West Virginia, thereby boosting local economies.

Though initial discussions suggested a complete elimination of Social Security taxes, the proposal was eventually withdrawn due to potential budget deficits and security concerns for retirees heavily dependent on these benefits. This balanced approach keeps the system aligned with the diverse needs of society.

The bill gained further support from Senator Mike Woelfel and Dale Lee, leader of the West Virginia Education Association, who affirmed that this bill would significantly benefit retired teachers. Adding to this, a proposed 5% increase in salary for educators and state employees reaffirms the state’s commitment to prioritizing education and the workforce. These financial measures await official legislative endorsement.

Governor Justice advocates this salary increase to manage inflating expenditure. Dale Lee shared similar sentiments, emphasizing how much teachers would benefit from easing financial strains. But this hike isn’t just for educators, it would also boost the quality of life for vital public servants like firefighters and police officers. All contributing positively to both the state’s economy and community health. However, this proposed increase is pending legislative approval.


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