
Scarlett Johansson accuses OpenAI of voice theft

Scarlett Johansson accuses OpenAI of voice theft

"Voice Theft"

Scarlett Johansson, the famous actress recognized for her role as an AI assistant in the film Her, has made a serious accusation against OpenAI. She alleges that the tech firm illicitly used her voice in its latest AI system, ChatGPT4.O or ‘Sky.’

Johansson’s legal team asserts that her iconic vocal characteristics were used without formal licensing or her express permission, sparking controversy. The actress disclosed an earlier refusal to lend her voice to OpenAI, principally due to fears of misuse facilitated by deepfake technology.

In a bid to retain control over her voice and persona, Johansson emphasized the importance of setting boundaries in using personal attributes in technology. The allegations were prompted by the perceivable similarities between ‘Sky’ and Johansson’s own voice, despite her non-involvement in the AI’s creation.

OpenAI CEO, Sam Altman, firmly denied these allegations.

Johansson’s voice dispute with OpenAI

He assured that the voice of ‘Sky’ was not derived from or intended to mimic Johansson, saying any similarities are pure coincidence. Altman reinforced that all voices in their AI systems are synthetically produced, and ethical guidelines are strictly adhered to in AI resource development and usage.

Amidst the rising controversy, Altman indicated readiness to address concerns and doubts, aiming to ensure transparency and public trust in their technology. As a temporary measure to mitigate potential misunderstandings, Altman announced a halt to the use of Sky’s voice across all OpenAI’s platforms.

Johansson is said to be contemplating potential legal action after receiving this shock. Once again, the case highlights the necessity of setting clear boundaries in the rapidly progressing world of artificial intelligence.

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