
How PosiGen’s Affordable Solar Solutions Are Transforming Homeownership

How PosiGen’s Affordable Solar Solutions Are Transforming Homeownership

PosiGen Affordable Solar Solutions

The challenges of homeownership have never been more demanding than in recent years. Soaring inflation, rising housing prices, and high-interest rates have combined to create a housing crunch that is leaving many families scrambling to make ends meet.

The month-to-month struggle to pay bills often prevents homeowners from making forward-thinking upgrades. Rather than invest in a more efficient future, they must sacrifice long-term efficiency to address present financial pressures.

PosiGen is one company that is helping underserved communities overcome this inability to improve.

PosiGen’s Positive Impact on Homeownership

PosiGen is a solar energy solution company that is rewriting the homeownership playbook. In a genuine display of mutually beneficial business behavior, the innovative company has spent over a decade improving homeownership efficiency while also maintaining a profitable business model.

PosiGen’s unique mission focuses on three key elements: sustainability, affordability, and community. Below is a description of each of those focal points and how they factor into PosiGen’s ongoing success.

PosiGen’s Sustainable Mission

The most obvious factor in PosiGen’s success is its ongoing ability to enable homeowners to operate in a more sustainable manner. This starts with the company’s ongoing efforts to install renewable solar power energy systems across tens of thousands of American homes.

While access to solar power is already transformative, reducing inefficiencies also plays a key role. That’s why, in addition to its solar panels, PosiGen includes a free Home Energy Audit with each home assessment. The goal is to make every home a safe, clean, energy-efficient place to live.

PosiGen boasts an impressive track record of helping each customer save over 40,000 kilowatts (kWH) through their solar systems and accompanying audits. This reduction in energy usage, combined with unfettered access to renewable energy, reduces the overall impact that each home has on the environment.

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This is a major factor of the PosiGen spirit that both employees and customers are aware of. Satisfied customer Kevin H., for example, explains that along with the cost savings, PosiGen’s solar system “also helps our city, our climate, everything that’s trying to go green in order to help our atmosphere, our planet.” PosiGen customers are able to enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that their daily lives are impacting the Earth for good.

The Affordable Effect of PosiGen

Sustainability plays a key role in the PosiGen business model. However, the brand is just as focused on making solar accessible to more people too. In fact, this is another core tenet of PosiGen’s business model, so much so that, in the words of the brand, “PosiGen is on a mission to make solar affordable for every homeowner.”

Consumer Affairs reports that the average homeowner pays between $10,000 and $30,000 to install solar panels. At times, the cost is even higher. While there are federal tax credits that individuals can claim after installing a system, it only drops the cost from an average of $23,879 to $16,715. In other words, installing a solar system is a tremendously high barrier to entry for most households.

Rather than charge this cost upfront, PosiGen has created a solar leasing solution that spreads out the cost while still benefiting the homeowner overall. The brand charges a consistent monthly payment that covers the initial installation of a leased solar system as well as ongoing maintenance and insurance. The lease is designed to allow homeowners to reap the energy-saving benefits of solar with no upfront costs and no credit and income requirements, and approvals are based on homeownership and utility usage history, not on credit score or income. This enables underserved communities to access the benefits of clean energy.

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PosiGen Is Building Communities, Too

PosiGen’s impact goes beyond the four walls of individual homes. The company is consciously invested in having a transformative effect on communities, too.

The clean energy brand is elevating entire demographics by helping households in underserved communities improve their energy consumption and make utilities more affordable. The aforementioned Energy Efficiency Audits are also improving pre-existing drains on efficiency and affordability in households.

PosiGen boasts a collective 900 million kWh generated through this dual focus on solar panel installation and Energy Efficiency Audits. For high-production households, there is even the possibility of feeding back into the energy grid through NEM (Net Energy Metering).

PosiGen’s clear positive mark on communities across the US hasn’t gone unnoticed. The company has attracted a lot of attention. Not the least of which was a visit from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen during her visit to the Essence Festival of Culture in New Orleans in the summer of 2023.

The PosiGen Effect

PosiGen has installed solar power on over 25,000 households since 2012. The company is genuinely transforming homeownership on a nationwide scale. By reducing barriers to entry, it is helping homeowners become more sustainable while saving money. It is also bringing communities together, elevating them and preparing them for whatever the future may bring.

This comprehensive operational model is one that modern businesses should take to heart. It is a holistic and effective way to operate any 21st-century company as it seeks out ways to make a profit while also cultivating beneficial relationships with a growing number of earth-conscious and informed customers.

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Featured image provided by Kindel Media; Pexels; Thanks!


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