International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced


International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) refers to a set of mobile communication standards defined by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). These standards aim to achieve faster and more reliable mobile broadband networks, with peak data rates of 100 Mbps for high mobility users and up to 1 Gbps for stationary or low mobility users. IMT-Advanced serves as the foundation for the development of 4G and future mobile network technologies.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced” is:ɪnˌtɜrˈnæʃənəl ˈmoʊbəl ˌtɛlɪkəˈmjuːnɪˌkeɪʃənz ədˈvænst

Key Takeaways

  1. International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) refers to a set of requirements defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) that represents the fourth generation (4G) of wireless communication technology.
  2. IMT-Advanced systems offer significant improvements over previous generations, such as faster data transfer rates (up to 1 Gbps), increased network capacity, and lower latency, which enable enhanced mobile services like real-time video streaming and online gaming.
  3. Two major technologies that meet the IMT-Advanced criteria are LTE-Advanced and WiMax-Advanced, both of which provide increased flexibility and scalability in response to the growing demand for mobile broadband services.


The technology term International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) holds significance as it represents the next generation of mobile communication systems, designed to provide enhanced user experiences and capabilities beyond the current IMT-2000 (3G) and IMT-Advanced (4G) standards.

IMT-Advanced is important because it responds to the needs of an increasingly connected world, offering faster data rates, increased capacity, reduced latency, and improved mobility.

It enables new applications, such as high-definition video streaming, augmented and virtual reality, near real-time communication, and Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, which have become crucial in shaping modern society and businesses.

Furthermore, the evolution of this technology drives innovation and boosts economic growth, making IMT-Advanced a vital step in the advancement of wireless communication.


International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) is a set of criteria and standards designed to deliver fast, reliable, and seamless communication services to users across the world. The purpose of IMT-Advanced is to enhance global interoperability, improve the overall performance and capacity of mobile networks, and provide efficient connectivity that meets the ever-growing demand for high-quality broadband services.

Established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), IMT-Advanced serves as a foundation for the development of advanced mobile communication technologies, thus playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of wireless communication and significantly enhancing user experience. IMT-Advanced facilitates the deployment and integration of new technologies, such as 4G (and now, 5G) networks, that can address various challenges faced by traditional communication systems, including limited bandwidth, slow data rates, and inadequate coverage.

This paves the way for rapid and seamless transmission of voice, data, and multimedia services across different countries and mobile networks. Consequently, IMT-Advanced enables a wide range of applications, such as video streaming, real-time gaming, and telemedicine, as well as aiding in critical communication services necessary for public safety, disaster relief, and remote monitoring.

Overall, IMT-Advanced aims to empower end-users with superior communication capabilities and drive the advancement of mobile technologies to support the increasingly connected and mobile world we live in.

Examples of International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced

International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) technology, also known as 4G and 5G, has made significant strides in improving mobile communication and connectivity across the globe. Here are three real-world examples of how IMT-Advanced has been implemented:

Mobile Health (mHealth):The use of 4G and 5G networks has made it possible for medical professionals to monitor patients remotely and provide better telemedicine services. This enhances patient access to healthcare and allows medical professionals to diagnose and treat patients more efficiently, particularly in rural or underserved locations. An example of this might be the partnership between the UK National Health Service (NHS) and mobile network operators like EE, which provides 4G enabled tablets for video consultations and remote monitoring of patients.

Smart Cities:IMT-Advanced networks have enabled the development of smart city infrastructure, where interconnected devices and sensors collect and share data for improved urban planning, resource utilization, and public safety. Barcelona, Spain, is one such example of a smart city, which employs 4G networks to enable intelligent parking systems, smart waste management, and better public transportation management.

Autonomous Vehicles:The advancements in 4G and 5G technology have also made it possible for real-time data transmission and communication between autonomous vehicles (AVs) and their environment. This instant communication helps AVs to make critical decisions, avoid accidents, and synchronize with other vehicles on the road. Examples include self-driving car trials by companies like Waymo, which utilizes the high-speed and low-latency capabilities of IMT-Advanced networks to ensure safe and efficient navigation on the road.

International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced FAQ

What is International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced)?

International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) is a set of global standards for high-speed, advanced mobile communication networks. It’s sometimes referred to as the wireless equivalent of broadband services and ensures seamless connectivity and better quality of service for end users.

How is IMT-Advanced different from its predecessors?

IMT-Advanced is a significant step forward from IMT-2000 (3G) and IMT-Enhanced (4G) networks. It offers much higher data rates, increased network capacity, and reduced latency, making it an ideal choice for future wireless systems supporting a wide range of applications, including multimedia streaming, mobile TV, video conferencing, and gaming.

What are the key requirements for IMT-Advanced networks?

IMT-Advanced networks must meet specific criteria set by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to ensure high performance, including peak data rates of up to 1 gigabit per second for stationary users and 100 megabits per second for mobile users. They must also provide seamless global roaming, support for advanced multimedia services, and spectral efficiency improvements compared to previous generations.

What technologies are used to implement IMT-Advanced networks?

IMT-Advanced networks are based on multiple technology components, including Long-Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-Advanced) and WirelessMAN-Advanced (WiMAX 2). Both of these technologies use advanced signaling techniques, such as Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communications and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), to achieve the desired performance.

What benefits does IMT-Advanced offer to consumers?

Consumers can enjoy a range of benefits from IMT-Advanced networks, including higher data speeds, improved coverage, and lower latency. It enables a smoother and more seamless mobile experience for browsing the internet, streaming video, playing games, and engaging in other bandwidth-intensive activities. In addition, IMT-Advanced networks can provide improved connectivity for IoT devices and support future applications such as smart cities, remote healthcare, and more.

Related Technology Terms

  • 5G Networks
  • Radio Frequency Spectrum
  • IMT-A Broadband Services
  • Wireless Communication Standards
  • High-Speed Mobile Data Transmission

Sources for More Information


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