
Automatically Upgrade Workstation EXEs

Automatically Upgrade Workstation EXEs

I’m programming for a LAN and quite often I add requested features to the program. The LAN is set up so that each workstation is running its own copy of the program and is only reading/writing data files on the server. This arrangement has significantly increased the startup speed of the program; however, when the EXE file is changed, all the workstation programs must be changed. I get around having to go to each station with this program:

 Private Sub Form_Load()	On Error GoTo errorhandler	' the Command function Returns the 	' argument portion of the command 	' line used to launch Microsoft 	' Visual Basic or an executable 	' program developed with Visual Basic.	' ie:(thisprog.exe c:localdirprgcopied.exe 	' k:servrdirprgtocopy.exe)	If FileDateTime(Left(Command$, _		InStr(Command$, " ") - 1)) < _		FileDateTime(Mid$(Command$, _		InStr(Command$, " ") + 1)) Then 		' case the file does not exist		' locate the form designed to your pref.		Top = (Screen.Height - Height) / 2		Left = (Screen.Width - Width) / 2		' containing a label		label1 = "Copying " & Mid$(Command$, InStr_			(Command$, " ") + 1) & _			" to your hard_disk..."		' make the form it visible so the 		' operator has something to look 		' at while the program is copied		Visible = True		Refresh		' copy file as per parameters in Command$		FileCopy Mid$(Command$, _			InStr(Command$, " ") + 1), _			Left(Command$, InStr(Command$, " ") - 1)	End If	'start the program	x = Shell(Left(Command$, InStr(Command$, " ") - 1), 3)	End	Exit Suberrorhandler:	If Err = 53 Then 'file not found		Resume Next 'copy the file anyway	Else 'trap other errors		MsgBox "Error # " & Err & Chr(10) & Error _ 				& Chr(10) & "program will be terminated"		End	End If	Exit SubEnd Sub
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