


What do you do when you get a GPF in VB.EXE? Remember that Windows requiresyou to ensure memory integrity when calling API functions. A GPF in VB.EXEcan be produced if an API is incorrectly called. An example of the erroris:

 Application error: VB caused a General Protection Fault in VB.EXEat nnnn:nnnn

or one of the following error messages:

 - Assertion failed.- Bad handle.- Bad heap block.

This can occur if any of these conditions are passed to an API:

  • Incorrect placement of ByVal in the Declare statement.
  • A passed string initialized to a value that is too short to receivethe return value.
  • Undefined parameters in the function declaration or invocation.
  • Incorrect type or length of parameters in the function declarationor invocation.
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