
Use a Struct Instead of a Long Argument List

Use a Struct Instead of a Long Argument List

Functions having a long list of arguments such as:

 void retrieve(const string& title, const string& author, int ISBN,  int year, bool&  inStore); 

can become a maintenance problem, since their argument list is likely to be changed in the future. For example, a URL with a book cover image may be added or other arguments may be omitted. Consequently, every occurrence of a function call has to be modified appropriately. A better solution is to pack the entire argument list in a single struct and pass it by reference (or by address in C) to the function:

 struct Item{string title;string author; int ISBN;  int year, bool  inStore };void retrieve(Item& book);

The advantages of this technique are obvious:

1. Maintenance. Every modification will be localized to the definition of the struct, but no other code modifications will be required.
2. Performance. Since a reference is all that has to be passed to the called function, you may gain a slight performance boost.
3. Future extensibility. A struct can serve as a base for other classes. It may be extended to have member functions as well.

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