
Read-Only Text Controls Without the Caret

Read-Only Text Controls Without the Caret

Assume you want a text control with a vertical scrollbar, but you don’t want users to be able to modify it and you don’t want users to see any caret in the control when they click on it. However, you still want users to be able to scroll all text.

Here is the solution. First, put a Text1 control and a Command1 control on Form1. Change the Text1 control property to Locked = True. Change the Text1 control property to MousePointer = 1 – Arrow. Change the Text1 control property to ScrollBars = 2 – Vertical, and enter this code:

 'code in Form1Private Sub Form_Load()	'make Command1 control disappear when the form shows	Command1.Left = -2000 End Sub'code in Text1 controlPrivate Sub Text1_GotFocus()	'move the focus to somewhere else	Command1.SetFocusEnd Sub
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