
Generate Random Strings

Generate Random Strings

This code helps test SQL functions or other string-manipulation routines so you can generate random strings. You can generate random-length strings with random characters and set ASCII bounds, both upper and lower:

 	Public Function RandomString(iLowerBoundAscii As _		Integer, iUpperBoundAscii As Integer, _		lLowerBoundLength As Long, _		lUpperBoundLength As Long) As String		Dim sHoldString As String		Dim lLength As Long		Dim lCount As Long		'Verify boundaries		If iLowerBoundAscii < 0 Then iLowerBoundAscii = 0		If iLowerBoundAscii > 255 Then iLowerBoundAscii = 255		If iUpperBoundAscii < 0 Then iUpperBoundAscii = 0		If iUpperBoundAscii > 255 Then iUpperBoundAscii = 255		If lLowerBoundLength < 0 Then lLowerBoundLength = 0		'Set a random length		lLength = Int((CDbl(lUpperBoundLength) - _			CDbl(lLowerBoundLength) + _			1) * Rnd + lLowerBoundLength)		'Create the random string		For lCount = 1 To lLength			sHoldString = sHoldString & _				Chr(Int((iUpperBoundAscii - iLowerBoundAscii _				+ 1) * Rnd + iLowerBoundAscii))		Next		RandomString = sHoldString	End Function
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