Java doesn’t offer direct support for pointer to functions. But this doesnot mean that you cannot have a set of functions that can be accessed via amapping index. The code below shows you how to create an array of functions.
First you’ll need a generic Interface like:
public interface Function { public void runFunction(); }
Then, you can have a variety of classes that implement this interface in their own way:
class Function0 implements Function { public void runFunction() { System.out.println("Function 0 ececutes: ..."); } } class Function1 implements Function { public void runFunction() { System.out.println("Function 1 ececutes: ..."); } }
Now you just create instances of your classes and place them in an array:
Function[] funcArray = new Function[2]; funcArray[0] = new Function0(); funcArray[1] = new Function1();
And, finally, to execute:
funcArray[0].runFunction(); funcArray[1].runFunction();