
Creating Images on the fly with ASP Pages

Creating Images on the fly with ASP Pages

One of the impressive features of Active Server Pages is the ability to deliver fresh, active content in direct response to user input. In addition to creating responsive text, you can also generate graphics on the fly. My favorite tool is a server-side component called FontVelocity from Vertigo Software. (

With very little ASP code such as the following, you can create attractive and unique GIFs on your Web pages.

 <%FontVelocity false, "ALT=""%ALT%"">", "Ken", Server.MapPath("COMICBD.TTF"), 
"FontVelocity1.gif",18, 255, 16777215, true,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 21.6, true, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0%>

Also check out ASPImage from Stephen Genusa at

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