
Display Greeting Message

Display Greeting Message

Here is a simple way by which you can display a greeting message to a user at the time of login.There are certain scenarios where you can use thisfeature to provide a welcome message to the user, such as in case of aonline book or music store.

In the following example function PrintGreetingMessage() takes in a username and displays a message depending upon the time of the web server. Thestatement <%= PrintGreetingMessage("User Name") %> sends the return value ofthe function to the browser.Thus, a user viewing this page before 12:00 noon (in the Web server’s timezone) would see following text:

 Good Morning !!! "User Name"

And a user viewing the same page at or after 12:00 noon would see followingtext:

 Hello !!! "User Name"

You can write some additional code to get the “User Name” using cookies, etc.

 <%@ Language=VBScript %>Display Greeting Message<%function PrintGreetingMessage(strUserName) dim strGreetingMessage ' Set a message depending upon the time if (Time >= #12:00:00 AM# and  Time < #12:00:00 PM#) then  strGreetingMessage = "Good Morning !!! " else  strGreetingMessage = "Hello !!! " end if ' return the message out to the HTML page PrintGreetingMessage = strGreetingMessage & strUserNameend function%><%= PrintGreetingMessage("User Name") %>
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