
Help Search Engines With Keywords in FrontPage 2000

Help Search Engines With Keywords in FrontPage 2000

You can make your site easier to find by adding keywords to your HTML pages. Some of the major search engines look for keywords to index your content. FrontPage 2000 lets you add keywords without having to remember the format. Try this:

  1. Open an HTML or ASP page in the FrontPage editor’s Normal view.
  2. From the File menu, click Properties.
  3. On the Custom tab, locate the System variables area and click Add.
  4. In the Name box, type the word “keywords” (without the quotes).
  5. In the Value box, type the keywords for the page or site, separating each by commas.
  6. Click the OK buttons to return to your page.

When you check your page in HTML view, you see that FrontPage has added the meta tag such as:

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