
Manipulate Dates With VBScript’s DateAdd Function

Manipulate Dates With VBScript’s DateAdd Function

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Dates can be a pain to deal with when working with scripting. Fortunately VBScript 5.0 supports a number of different functions that can simplify the process of manipulating dates. For example, consider the case where you want to retrieve the date one month from now. While you could create a date object, parse it into its individual components, add one to the month, set the month to “1” if you’re in the month of December and so forth, you can take advantage of the VBScript 5.0 DateAdd() function. This function lets you specify an interval and a time unit (such as month), add it to a date, and create a new date.


The DateAdd() function can take one of several interval tokens:

Interval Token Interval Meaning Function Call
N/A Now Now
yyyy Year dateAdd(“yyyy”,1,Now)
q Quarter dateAdd(“q”,1,Now)
m Month dateAdd(“m”,1,Now)
y Day in Year dateAdd(“y”,1,Now)
w weekday dateAdd(“w”,1,Now)
ww week in year dateAdd(“ww”,1,Now)
h Hour dateAdd(“h”,1,Now)
n Minute dateAdd(“n”,1,Now)
s Second dateAdd(“s”,1,Now)
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