
Use the Oracle8 Call Stack to Track Error Locations

Use the Oracle8 Call Stack to Track Error Locations

When an error message is logged into the errorlog table, there is often a need to know the entire call stack, to debug the exact location of the error. This becomes more crucial when the error occurs in a multi-procedure transaction. The tracking can be done by calling a push method on a user-defined stack at the beginning of the procedure and a pop on the stack at the completion of successful execution of the procedure. However, the coding becomes cumbersome when there are lots of procedures/functions/methods and if you forget to push or pop from a stack, you can get lot of inaccurate results.

In Oracle8 onwards, we can use the package “built-in” to retrieve the call stack. This eases the developer’s job, as only in the error logging routine do they have to access the call stack.

The package built-in to be used is this:


This built-in returns a formatted string of maximum length of 2,000 characters containing the entire call stack with the address, the procedure name, and the line number of the error. You can write a parsing routine on the stack to get only the procedure name and the exact line number of error. Use it in the error logging procedure to debug an error efficiently.

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