
Rebooting the Web Server

Rebooting the Web Server

If you’re doing a lot of development using server-side components, you’ll have found that once the DLL has been used by IIS, you have to reboot the Web services in order to recompile the DLL with any changes. This gets really tedious, especially if you have to do it through Control Panel.

Instead, you can write a script to stop and restart the relevant services. Somewhere in the system path (like the System32 directory), create this batch file:

 @echo off net stop iisadmin /y net start iisadmin net start w3svc net start "FTP Publishing Service" 

This stops the IIS Admin service, which also stops all related services (Web, FTP, etc.) It then restarts the IIS Admin service, the Web service, and the FTP service. You can run this batch file from a menu or from the Run prompt, and it’s much faster than having to use the Services applet.

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