
Delete All Records in a Table

Delete All Records in a Table

If you find yourself repeating the same Execute method in different parts of your code when clearing tables, use this method instead to automate the process. When you already have a global variable set to the open database, delete all the records in a table with this function, where DB is the database object:

 Function ZapTable(sTable As String, _	Optional sWhere As String = "") As Integer	Dim sSQL As String	On Error GoTo Err_ZapRecs	' For Access Apps only:	' docmd.SetWarnings False 	sSQL = "DELETE * FROM " & sTable & " "	If sWhere <> "" Then		sSQL = sSQL & "WHERE " & sWhere 	End If	DB.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError	'docmd.SetWarnings True	ZapTable = TrueExit_ZapRecs:	Exit FunctionErr_ZapRecs:	ZapTable = False''ERROR HANDLING IF DESIRED	Resume Exit_ZapRecsEnd Function

Use this function in the code as in these examples:

 If Not ZapTable("locLookup") Then	MsgBox "Cannot delete Table."End If


 If Not ZapTable("locCities", "STATE = 'NY'") Then	MsgBox "Cannot delete Table."End If
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