
Repair, Compact, and Back Up Access MDB

Repair, Compact, and Back Up Access MDB

This repair and compact also backs up the Access MDB.

 Function ValidateMdb(MDB As String) As Boolean

This function repairs, compacts, and backs up a database fileand deletes stray LDB (locking files) as it goes. The concept is to copy the file to a BAK version, then repairand compact the BAK back to the original. The renaming keeps it frombeing opened before you get a change to compact it, and it provides a backup since the client doesn’t do that. I call it Validate because NOBODY wants to wait for a file to bebacked up or compressed but everybody wants their data validated!

 'Sample'Dim bSuccess As Boolean'bSuccess = ValidateMdb("c:my documentsdb2.mdb")     Pat Tormey [email protected] dbe As New DBEngine  'Set Ref to MS DAODim sLdb As String 'Locking file's NameDim sBak As String 'BackUp file's NameDim rv As Boolean  'My standard for a return variableOn Error GoTo ProcErr    rv = False    If Len(Dir(MDB)) = 0 Then 'No File Found     GoTo ProcExit    End If    sLdb = Left$(MDB, InStr(MDB, ".")) & "LDB"    sBak = Left$(MDB, InStr(MDB, ".")) & "BAK"    Kill sLdb  'delete it if you can   If Dir$(sLdb) <> "" Then 'is it still here? Still in Use     GoTo ProcExit   End If 'Locked   If Dir$(MDB) <> "" Then 'this is to be sure I don't delete the BAK     Kill sBak                        if the MDB isn't around     Name MDB As sBak 'Prevents somebody else from opening it   End If 'Is there an MDB      dbe.RepairDatabase sBak 'repair the backup      dbe.CompactDatabase sBak, MDB 'compact back to original      rv = TrueProcExit: ValidateMdb = rv Exit FunctionProcErr:  If Err = 53 Then 'Probably LDB not found   Resume Next  End If 'Err   rv = False  Resume ProcExitEnd Function
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