
Load Form Controls into a Variable Array in ASP

Load Form Controls into a Variable Array in ASP

If you have dynamically generated form controls on a Web page, all with the same name, this is a good way to parse out each control’s value and load them into a variable array in ASP without too much of a headache.

 <%'Move form variables into an array (for Last Name)'Note: Place this code on the receiving end of a form POST operation.	theString = cStr(request.form("txtLastName"))xx = 1For x = 1 to len(theString)	char = mid(theString, x, 1)	if char = "," then		strLName(xx) = chartwo	chartwo = ""	xx = xx+1	else		chartwo = chartwo + char	end ifNextstrLName(xx) = chartwochartwo = ""%>
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