
How to Print an __int64 Number in VC++

How to Print an __int64 Number in VC++

You can use the printf() function as in the following example:

 #include using namespace std;int main(){  __int64 i64 = 4294967296;  printf("%I64d
", i64); //in decimal  printf("%I64x
", i64); //in hexa  return 0;}

You can also use the function Int64ToString(). The next example transforms an __int64 into a string in a specified radix:

 #include #include #include string Int64ToString(__int64 const& ri64, int iRadix=10){  bool bNeg = (ri64 < 0);  __int64 i64 = ri64;  string ostrRes;  bool bSpecial = false;  if(true == bNeg)  {    i64 = -i64;    if(i64 < 0)      //Special case number -9223372036854775808 or _0x8000000000000000      bSpecial = true;    ostrRes.append(1, '-');  }  int iR;  do  {    iR = i64 % iRadix;    if(true == bSpecial)      iR = -iR;    if(iR < 10)      ostrRes.append(1, '0' + iR);    else      ostrRes.append(1, 'A' + iR - 10);    i64 /= iRadix;  }  while(i64 != 0);  //Reverse the string  string::iterator it = ostrRes.begin();  if(bNeg)    it++;  reverse(it, ostrRes.end());  return ostrRes;}int main(){  __int64 i64 = 4294967296;  cout << Int64ToString(i64) << endl; //in decimal  cout << Int64ToString(i64, 16) << endl; //in hexa  return 0;}
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