
Determine If an Error Has Occurred During Object Construction

Determine If an Error Has Occurred During Object Construction

This can be achieved in Java by throwing an exception from your constructor. Since constructors cannot return a value, this is the only way to perform error handling.

     Class MyCLass{          private int x;          File file;         MyClass() throws MyException{         x = 10;         try{         file = new File(“c:\myFile.txt”);         }         catch(Exception e)         {          throw new MyException();         }         /         /       }     }

When you use this class, insert the code of the constructor in a try-catch block and catch the exception:

    try{        MyClass mc = new MyClass();       }    catch(MyException e)      {       System.out.println(“Could not create an object of the classMyClass”);      }
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