
Counting Bits

Counting Bits

It seems that the only way to count the number of 1’s or 0’s in a binary value is creating a loop that iterates on all the 16 or 32 bits of the number. There is, however, a faster algorithm:

Function BitCount (ByVal number As Long) As Integer  Dim bits As Integer, temp As Long  temp = number  Do While temp    temp = temp And (temp - 1)    bits = bits + 1  Loop  BitCount = bitsEnd Function

While this code apparently makes little sense, it can be explained knowing that the expression n And (n – 1) actually drops the least significant (i.e. the rightmost) bit that is set in n. If you repeat this operation until the number becomes zero, you can indirectly evaluate how many 1’s were in the number. On the average this requires half of the iterations needed by the standard method.

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