
How did Windows start?

How did Windows start?

If you need to know how Windows was started you have just to call an API function: GetSystemMetrics. Passing the SM_CLEANBOOT constant as parameter, the function returns a Long value with this meaning:

0 = Normal boot
1 = Fail-safe boot
2 = Fail-safe with network boot

Here ia an example that shows how to call the function:

Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) _    As LongPublic Const SM_CLEANBOOT = 67Private Sub Command1_Click()    Select Case GetSystemMetrics(SM_CLEANBOOT)        Case 0: MsgBox "Normal boot"        Case 1: MsgBox "Fail-safe boot"        Case 2: MsgBox "Fail-safe with network boot"    End SelectEnd Sub  

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