
List all COM components on local machine

List all COM components on local machine

The following routine parses the registry and lists all the installed COM components:

' this code assumes that you have used this Imports statement' Imports Microsoft.Win32' Print ProgID, CLSID, and path of all the COM components' installed on this computer.Sub DisplayCOMComponents()    ' Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID key    Dim regClsid As RegistryKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("CLSID")    ' Iterate over all the subkeys.    Dim clsid As String    For Each clsid In regClsid.GetSubKeyNames        ' Open the subkey.        Dim regClsidKey As RegistryKey = regClsid.OpenSubKey(clsid)        ' Get the ProgID. (This is the default value for this key.)        Dim ProgID As String = CStr(regClsidKey.GetValue(""))        ' Get the InProcServer32 key, which holds the DLL path.        Dim regPath As RegistryKey = regClsidKey.OpenSubKey("InprocServer32")        If regPath Is Nothing Then            ' If not found, it isn't an in-process DLL server,             ' let's see if it's an out-of-process EXE server.            regPath = regClsidKey.OpenSubKey("LocalServer32")        End If        If Not (regPath Is Nothing) Then            ' If either key has been found, retrieve its default value.            Dim filePath As String = CStr(regPath.GetValue(""))            ' Display all the relevant info gathered so far.            Console.WriteLine(ProgId & " " & clsid & " -> " & filePath)            ' Always close registry keys.            regPath.Close()        End If        ' Always close registry keys.        regClsidKey.Close()    NextEnd Sub

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