
Avoid duplicate entries for the same serviced component

Avoid duplicate entries for the same serviced component

A common mistake when creating a .NET component that runs under Component Services – that is, a class that inherits from ServicedComponents – is that you forget to assign a fixed version and/or GUID to the component being built. In this case, whenever the assembly is modified and recompiled, a new version is created and registered under the ProgID in the Component Services metadata database, resulting in multiple entries with the same name under the Component Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in.

You can avoid this behavior by specifying a fixed version for your assembly and a well-defined GUID. You specify a fixed version by changing the following attribute (in AttributeInfo.vb or AttributeInfo.cs)

to something like

You can assign a well defined GUID to the component by generating a GUID (for example by using the Create GUID command in the Tools menu) and using it in a Guid attribute (again, in AttributeInfo.vb or AttributeInfo.cs):

' Note: this statement requires that you have imported the following namespace:'      Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

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