
Right-align formatted strings

Right-align formatted strings

The String.Format function supports many formatting options, but none allows you to display right-aligned columns of numbers, as in:

     1.00    12.00   123.00 1,234.00

However, you can easily create a helper function that works like String.Format, takes an additional length argument, and aligns the result to that length:

Function RightFormat(ByVal formatString As String, ByVal length As Integer, _    ByVal value As Object) As String    Return String.Format("{0:" & formatString & "}", value).PadLeft(length)End Function

Here’s an example of how you can use the above function:

Dim n As IntegerFor Each n In New Integer() {10, 100, 1000, 1000}   Console.WriteLine(RightFormat("##,##0.00", 10, n))Next

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