To add an image as an embedded resource in a Windows Forms application, add the image file to the project with Project | Add Existing Item. Then select the file in the Solution Explorer, go to the Properties Window, and set its Build Action property to Embedded Resource. At this point the file will be embedded within your compiled file, when you build the project.
The following routine shows how to load the embedded image in a PictureBox, at runtime:
Sub SetPictureBoxFromResource(ByVal picBox As PictureBox, _ ByVal bmpName As String) Dim stream As System.IO.Stream = Me.GetType() _ .Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(bmpName) ' if the stream is found... If Not stream Is Nothing Then Dim bmp As New Bitmap(stream) ' and the bitmpat is loaded... If Not bmp Is Nothing Then ' load it in the PictureBox picBox.Image = bmp End If End IfEnd Sub
The routine is called like this:
SetPictureBoxFromResource(PictureBox1, "YourNamespace.article.gif")
Note that as a second parameter you pass the embedded resource name, with the project’s default namespace as a prefix.