
InstrRev – Backward Instr for VB4 and VB5

InstrRev – Backward Instr for VB4 and VB5

' A clone of VB6's InstrRev function (including its quirks)' that works under VB4 and VB5Function InstrRev(StringCheck As String, StringMatch As String, _    Optional Start As Long = -1, Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = _    vbBinaryCompare) As Long    Dim index As Long    Dim lastIndex As Long        If Start > Len(StringCheck) Then        ' this is probably a quirk in VB6's InstrRev function: when        ' start is higher than the source string length, the function        ' returns zero        Exit Function    ElseIf Start < 0 Then        ' if Start is omitted, last valid index is the end of string        lastIndex = Len(StringCheck)    Else        ' else, we must account for the length of the searched string        ' (this is the way VB6's InstrRev function works)        lastIndex = Start + 1 - Len(StringMatch)    End If        Do        index = InStr(index + 1, StringCheck, StringMatch, Compare)        ' exit if not found, or if it's past the start index        If index = 0 Or index > lastIndex Then Exit Do        ' remember the index we've just found        InstrRev = index    Loop    End Function

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