
AddToIEFavorites – Add a URL to the IE’s favorites

AddToIEFavorites – Add a URL to the IE’s favorites

' Add an URL to the IE's favorites by sending a client side JavaScript to IE'   sURL is the URL that the link will point to'   sDescr is the description displayed in the Favorites menu'' Example:'   AddToIEFavorites "", "VB-2-The-Max: the ultimate VB source"Sub AddToIEFavorites(ByVal sURL As String, ByVal sDescr As String)    sURL = LCase(sURL)    ' add the http:// in case it isn't already present in the specified URL    If Left$(sURL, 7) <> "http://" Then sURL = "http://" & sURL    ' open Exploring and load the script    ShellExecute 0, "Open", "javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('" & sURL & _        "','" & sDescr & "')", "", "", 0End Sub

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