
GetComPlusApplications – Retrieving the installed COM+ applications

GetComPlusApplications – Retrieving the installed COM+ applications

' Returns an array with the names of the installed COM+ Applications' Params: the name of the server - defaults to the local server' Requires a reference to the COM+ Admin Type Library,'  in the COM tab of the References dialog box'' Example:'  Dim apps() As String = GetComPlusApplications()'  Dim app As String'  For Each app In apps'     debug.writeline(app)'  NextFunction GetComPlusApplications(Optional ByVal serverName As String = "") As _    String()    Dim catalog As New COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog()    catalog.Connect(serverName)    ' get the Applications collection    Dim apps As COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalogCollection = catalog.GetCollection _        ("Applications")    apps.Populate()    ' add each application name to an ArrayList    Dim app As COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalogObject    Dim appNames As New ArrayList(apps.Count)    For Each app In apps        appNames.Add(app.Name.ToString())    Next    ' convert from the ArrayList to an array of strings, and return it    Return appNames.ToArray(GetType(String))End Function

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