
ConcatenateFiles – Concatenating multiple text files

ConcatenateFiles – Concatenating multiple text files

' Concatenate a variable number of text files into a single result file'' Params:'  - resultFile: the complete path of the result file you want to create'  - header: a string that is written when a file is added to the result file.'    Note: this string can contain the #FilePath# tag that will be replaced ' with the path of the file being added'  - sourceFiles: the sequence of files whose content will be concatenated'' Example:'   ConcatenateFiles ("D:
es.txt", "------ NEW FILE: #FilePath# ------",'  "D:1.txt", "D:2.txt", "D:3.txt")Sub ConcatenateFiles(ByVal resultFile As String, ByVal header As String, _    ByVal ParamArray sourceFiles() As String)    Dim writer As System.IO.StreamWriter    Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader    Try        writer = New System.IO.StreamWriter(resultFile, True)        Dim fpath As String        For Each fpath In sourceFiles            ' write the header string, with #FilePath# replaced with            ' the path of the source file being processed            writer.WriteLine(header.Replace("#FilePath#", fpath))            Try                ' open the source file in read mode                reader = New System.IO.StreamReader(fpath)                ' append all the content of the current file in the destination                 ' file                writer.Write(reader.ReadToEnd() & Environment.NewLine)            Finally                If Not reader Is Nothing Then                    reader.Close()                    reader = Nothing                End If            End Try        Next    Finally        ' close the writer stream        If Not writer Is Nothing Then writer.Close()    End TryEnd Sub

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