
Discovering if the input connection string is for the SQL Server managed provider

Discovering if the input connection string is for the SQL Server managed provider

' Return a boolean indicating whether the input connection string is for the' ADO.NET's SQL Server managed provider' Note: the function assumes the input string is a valid OLEDB or SQL Server' connection string, and it just verifies it does not contain the "Provider" ' value'' Examples:'   Debug.WriteLine(IsSqlProviderConnString' ("server=(local);database=MyDB;uid=sa;pwd=;"))   ' => True'   Debug.WriteLine(IsSqlProviderConnString("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data ' Source=.;User ID=sa;Password=;Initial Catalog=MyDB")) ' => FalseFunction IsSqlProviderConnString(ByVal connString As String) As Boolean    connString = connString.ToLower()    Dim hasProviderValue As Boolean = (connString.IndexOf("provider") > -1)    Dim hasDbValue As Boolean = (connString.IndexOf("database") > -1) OrElse _        (connString.IndexOf("initial catalog") > -1)    Return hasDbValue And (Not hasProviderValue)End Function

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