
GetControlsByTag – Find all the controls with the specified Tag value

GetControlsByTag – Find all the controls with the specified Tag value

' Find all the controls with the specified Tag value' Example:'    Dim ctrls() As Control = GetControlsByTag("OK", Me)'    Dim ctrl As Control'    For Each ctrl In ctrls'        Debug.WriteLine(ctrl.Name)'    NextFunction GetControlsByTag(ByVal tagToSearch As String, _    ByVal parentControl As Control) As Control()    Dim controlList As New System.Collections.ArrayList    ' add the parent control to the list, if its Tag matches the input string    If Not parentControl.Tag Is Nothing Then        If parentControl.Tag.ToString() = tagToSearch Then            controlList.Add(parentControl)        End If    End If    ' recursively call this routine for all the child controls    If parentControl.Controls.Count > 0 Then        Dim child As Control        For Each child In parentControl.Controls            ' add the results of the recursive GetControlsByTag call to the             ' current ArrayList            controlList.AddRange(GetControlsByTag(tagToSearch, child))        Next    End If    ' convert the ArrayList to an array of Controls, and return it    Return controlList.ToArray(GetType(Control))End Function

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