
Get the End Date of a Financial Quarter

Get the End Date of a Financial Quarter

Often, in financial applications, the quarter end date is very important for financial calculations. The following function gets the end date of a Financial Quarter that is relative to the date value passed. For example, suppose you are passing “12-Apr-2004” as the Date. The corresponding quarter end date returned will be “30-Jun-2004.”

public static Date getFinancialQuarterEndDate(Date date) {	Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();	calendar.setTime(date);	int factor = 0;	int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);	if (month == Calendar.JANUARY		|| month == Calendar.APRIL		|| month == Calendar.JULY		|| month == Calendar.OCTOBER) {		factor = 2;	} else if (		month == Calendar.FEBRUARY		|| month == Calendar.MAY		|| month == Calendar.AUGUST		|| month == Calendar.NOVEMBER) {		factor = 1;		} else {			factor = 0;	}	calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, factor);	calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE));	return calendar.getTime();}//-----------------------------------------
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