
Problems With Single Quotes

Problems With Single Quotes

Single quotes are messing up my queries. What can I do to fix the following problem?

Dim Criteria as StringCriteria=”Name LIKE ‘” & SearchName & “‘” ‘SearchName=”Sam O’Brien”‘At this Point Criteria=”Name LIKE ‘Sam O’Brien'”‘I am unable to execute the next statement because of the’Single quote in the middle of my search criteriaDs.FindFirst Criteria

The underlying problem here is that a single quote is a special character to most databases. It is used to delimit character values, just like the double quote is used in Visual Basic to do the same thing. However, if you convert your single quotes to two single quotes when you are performing actions on the database where a single quote could appear, the database will work correctly. Just create a function that takes a string as input and returns a string. You can just call that within your SQL statement and you will not have to worry what your data looks like.

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