
Application Finding VBXs and DLLs

Application Finding VBXs and DLLs

I have created a VB executable file and now want to distribute it to users. I want this executable to reside on our network drive. The problem that I am running into is that I want the application to look for additional files, such as DLLs (VBRUN300.DLL) and VBXs (GRID.VBX), in a specific directory rather than the default directories that Windows looks in (WINDOWS, WINDOWS/SYSTEM). Is there a way that I can set up an INI file or maybe some other solution?

VBXs and DLLs will be found by a VB application as long as the directory is listed in the PATH variable in the AUTOEXEC.BAT. Just add in the network path to the PATH variable, and you will not have any trouble.

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